Saturday 3 July 2010

Here's more of ME!!!

me n my 'brother from another mother'!

action shot!

Handsome fella!!

Cheeky Boy!!!

On me Dad's lap!

Erik being REALLY serious! & rather quite dashing... must be in the family ;-P

Dad n Hairy Mary - my fluffy girlfriend.

Hairy Mary laffin at Erik!!

TTFNFolks!More adventures to report on later...

Sunday 23 May 2010

OK - so ts been a busy 1st week at the Lodge - trying to train my new Mom n Dad! They're getting the hang of me though...I've been on a trek 'down the meadow' & paddled in a tiny brook, chased chickens, helped my Mom do some gardening. I've had lots of snoozes
 &  rough & tumbles with Erik (who usually lets me 'win').
I can put my paws up onto the sofa to tell Mom n Dad to 'hoike' me up onto the fluffy blanket & I can go up AND down the deck steps - but the house stairs are too much for me at the mo.

I've had an egg mmmmmmnnnn & a marrowbone. Time for another snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dad sez I'm the worlds most chilled flattie!

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day 1 at The Lodge

I've arrived to my new home & family!!!
I've got a new mommy n daddy a big black brother (whos a big softie) Erik the Viking & a real live walking white fluffy squeeky toy, called Hairy Mary - she's big fun to chase & pounce on! & outside there are 7 golden girls who squark & poop a lot.
Today I managed to climb some steps - but I can't go down them... yet.I've had a romp in the grass - done ALL my poops outside (well except for half a one when my mommy caught me mid-poop, but that doesn't count!) I have sneaked a few pee's in the house when no-one's looking, but mom n dad are great at mopping up & I help by chewing the tissue paper.

Its sooooooooo tiring all this playing & fussing - good job there's a HUGE settee to snooze on- although Erik does take up some room.......zzzzzzzzzz